
Steal This Employee: Recruitment Advertising On Fayetteville Radio

Apr 8, 2019 3:07:00 PM / by Larry Julius

v2 300px Steal This EmployeeAhhhh. The good ol' days!

Remember when you had a job opening at your Fayetteville small business, and you would put a help-wanted sign in the window? Then, in a matter of days, qualified candidates would present themselves.

Well, those days ended 100 months ago when a raging employment boom seemed to suck up every available worker. Now, there are more jobs openings than interested candidates.

What's a small business to do? The shortage of workers is hampering growth and challenging the survival of some companies.  Recruitment advertising on Fayetteville radio can successfully fill your open jobs.

According to the North Carolina Works Commission, a major reason why many companies recruitment efforts are failing is because they still depend on strategies from a time when qualified candidates were plentiful.

These failing strategies include posting on job boards like Monster and Indeed. Publishing employment ads in local newspapers; and pleading on social media pages. Yes, some small business owners are still using help-wanted signs.

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To overcome the challenges of the current labor crunch, Fayetteville small business owners need to consider using tactics that appeal to 'passive' job seekers. These are qualified candidates who are already employed but not currently in the market for a new job.

In other words, the best way to hire qualified job candidates is to steal employees from other companies. Recruitment advertising on Fayetteville radio is the most potent way to do this.

According to Nielsen, Fayetteville radio reaches 94.1% of everyone who is employed full-time.  This is significantly higher than TV and newspaper's reach. It is higher than streaming audio sites like Pandora and Spotify.  And internet job boards severely trails all other media.

Recruitment Advertising Fayetteville Passive Job Seekers

Regardless of what type of small business is looking, recruitment advertising on Fayetteville radio provides local employers with the most effective way to reach  passive job seekers among both qualified blue-collar and white-collar workers. Nothing else comes close.

Recruitment advertising on Fayetteville radio

Furthermore, recruitment advertising on Fayetteville radio can reach qualified candidates for any job type.

Recruitment Advertising Fayetteville Radio Job Type

Radio Recruitment Ads For Local Plumbing Company Have Immediate Results

Carolyn Barbour can testify to how well recruitment ads on Fayetteville deliver.

Budget Rooter is a 20-year old, Cumberland County based plumbing company. “When we started advertising on Fayetteville radio in 2007,” says co-owner Carolyn Barbour, “our business started to really take-off.”

“To keep up with our growth,” says Ms. Barbour, “we need to add new plumbers.” So, recently, the company began to add recruitment ads into our mix of commercials. The results were immediate.

“Two days after the first recruitment ad ran on the radio, we hired a new plumber from Lumberton,” says Ms. Barbour. “We know it was a result of the radio commercial since we don’t do any other advertising in that part of North Carolina.”

That’s how jobs are filled.

Learn More About Advertising On Fayetteville Radio

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Topics: recruitment advertising, help wanted

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