
How Advertising In Fayetteville Can Build Consumer Trust

Jan 9, 2019 7:50:19 PM / by Larry Julius

Advertising On Fayetteville Radio Builds Credibility

In a recent article, Small Business Builds Trust By Advertising on Fayetteville Radio, Walter White, Vice President of Lumbee River EMC, was asked why his company has been advertising on Fayetteville radio non-stop for 16 years. "The local on-air personalities are like gods in the community," he says. "They have earned the trust and reflect the values of their listeners.”

Results of new survey* show, in fact, radio is the most trusted medium in America. Decidedly, so. Here is what the survey found:

More people trust radio than any other medium. When broken down, radio is:

    • +81% more trustworthy than cable TV
    • +27% more trustworthy than network TV
    • +36% more trustworthy than public TV/radio
    • Two times more trustworthy than social media
    • 8 in 10 people feel radio aligns with their values
    • 75+% of listeners believe radio on-air personalities are more trustworthy than TV personalities
    • 85% of listeners believe radio personalities make radio more real and expressive than other media
    • 80% of listeners feel radio personalities care about their audience and care about “things that matter to me”

Trust Correlates With Reach

Listeners' trust in radio correlates with the medium's extensive reach among Fayettville consumers.

Last week, 288,946 adult consumers tuned to their favorite Fayetteville radio stations. Significantly more than watched area TV stations, read a local newspaper, or connected to streaming audio sites like Pandora or Spotify

Fayetteville North Carolina Radio Advertising Reach

Unlike other local media, which tends to skew towards older audiences, Fayetteville radio reaches consumers of all ages. This includes members of Generation X, Y, and Z; Millennials, and Boomers. Everybody.

Age of  Consumers Reached By Advertising on Fayetteville Radio

Fayetteville radio's extensive reach and trust among consumers has contributed to the success of many North Carolina small business owners.

Radio Gives Your Business Credibility

Fayetteville Small Business Owner Nicole Cotton Lawyer

Attorney Nicole Cotton has been advertising on Fayetteville radio since she opened her own firm in 2010.

“I used my radio advertising to build my personal brand,” recalls Ms. Cotton. “I wanted everybody to believe they could talk to me and I would listen. So, I used my own voice in every commercial to tell people that, like my name, Cotton, I was soft enough to listen and to care. But I was also tough enough to get things done.”

In the early days of her practice, Ms. Cotton limited her radio advertising to a single, mass-appeal Fayetteville radio station. “As my practice has diversified, though, I now use multiple stations. I need to go where my clients are listening.”

Recently, another Fayetteville small business owner asked Ms. Cotton’s advice about using local radio. “To be successful, it’s important to let customers know you’re an option. Your competitors are already out there. You need to be on the radio to let the community know you are here and what you do that is unique.”

“Advertising on the radio,” Ms. Cotton concludes, “gives your business credibility.”

Awesome Advice For Fayetteville Small Business Owners

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*Sources: AskSuzy Survey December 2018; iHeartMedia "Influencer Marketing," April 2018




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