

Online Advertising In Fayetteville: How Much Will Be Spent in 2022?

Jan 21, 2022 10:53:37 AM / by Larry Julius

Fayetteville, North Carolina area business owners are expected to spend $82 million advertising online in 2022. This, according to Borrell Associates, a company that tracks advertising expenditures across the country.

Borrell's forecast indicates that almost 50% of Fayetteville's online expenditures will be in the form of paid search. The most recognizable type of this advertising is the paid ads that appear adjacent to the results of almost every search query on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Borrell's forecast also indicates that approximately 27% of online expenditures will be in the form of display advertising. This consists of traditional banner ads that appear across millions of websites and apps, including social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. According to SmallBizGenius.net, the average Fayetteville area consumer is served more than 1700 of these ads per month.

Video advertising in Fayetteville is forecast to account for 23% of all online ad dollars in 2022. Like search and display, millions of websites can support this type of advertising. This includes sites, apps, and platforms like YouTube, Roku Channel, Hulu, Paramount+, and most social media sites.

The remainder of online advertising dollars is expected to be spent on audio advertising, including streaming sites like Pandora and Spotify; or email marketing campaigns.

So many Fayetteville business owners are investing a large portion of their marketing budgets into online advertising because that's where their customers are.
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Topics millennials, Streaming Audio, internet advetising, internet advertising, digital advertising, social media, online advertising, social media advertising, borrell associates, streaming video, ad spending, streaming media, advertising options, streaming TV, search engine marketing, sem, display advertising

Does The Facebook Name Change Affect Fayetteville Advertisers?

Oct 29, 2021 4:26:32 PM / by Larry Julius

Every month, 248,370 adults in Fayetteville, North Carolina use social media, according to Nielsen. Seventy-six percent of these consumers use Facebook, far more than other sites like Instagram (also owned by Facebook), Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

As a stand-alone medium, Facebook is used by more people in Fayetteville than watch local TV stations. Only Fayetteville radio and local cable reach more consumers.

The large audience commanded by social media has attracted a significant amount of advertising dollars from local advertisers. According to Borrell Associates, a company that measures advertising expenditures across the county, Fayetteville area businesses are expected to spend $21 million on social media advertising, a 25.5% increase over 2022. The overwhelming majority of these dollars are being spent with Facebook.

Yesterday, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the company was changing its name to "Meta".  This change, though, only affects the name of the parent company. There will be no change to the company's brands like Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp.

How will this name change affect Fayetteville businesses that advertise on Facebook?

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Topics social meida, facebook, twitter, social media, instagram, advertise on social media, social media advertising, radio advertising, facebook advertising, borrell associates, metaverse, linkedin, meta

How Often Are Fayetteville Consumers Online?

Jul 16, 2021 7:20:00 AM / by Larry Julius

More than 94% of Fayetteville adults have access to the internet.  Ubiquitous technology such as computers, tablets, smartphones, and connected TVs allow North Carolina consumers to go online whenever they choose, which, for some adults, is always.

The Pew Research Center, a public opinion research company, reports that one-in-three consumers say they are online constantly. A 50% increase from 2015.  In total, 85% of consumers say they connect at least one time every day.

So, how are Fayetteville consumers spending all this time connected to the internet?

According to Nielsen, streaming audio and video content, social networking, checking the weather, and banking are the top online activities for Fayetteville consumers each month.

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Topics Streaming Audio, small business, fayetteville small business owners, best way to advertise, social media, online advertising, social media advertising, small business marketing, borrell associates, small business advertising, ott, ctv, streaming video, svod, avod, online shopping, streaming media

Online Advertising In Fayetteville: How Much Do Local Companies Spend?

Dec 15, 2020 2:39:55 PM / by Larry Julius

Ninety-four percent of Fayetteville adults have access to the internet, according to Nielsen. Almost 60% of these consumers spend more than five hours a week connected.

Nielsen reports that Fayetteville consumers go online to stay connected to friends and family; research products and services; learn the latest news, and obtain directions to where they are going and know what the weather will be when they get there.  

Here are some of the many reasons why Fayetteville internet users go online each month

  • Social Media: 72%
  • Weather: 46%
  • Maps/Directions: 43%
  • Online Banking: 35%
  • Product Reviews: 29%
  • Sports Scores/News: 22%
  • Current Events: 22%
  • Restaurant Reviews:19%
  • Job Search: 17%
  • Real Estate: 12%

And, of course, there is shopping.  Over the past three months, according to Nielsen, 71.8% of Fayetteville consumers shopped online for every imaginable product and service including, cars, golf clubs, office supplies, wedding rings, mattresses, tires, medicine, shoes, socks, and eyeglasses.

To reach local consumers while they are online, Fayetteville businesses will spend $65 million for digital advertising in 2020, according to Borrell Associates.  Here is how the money is being spent:

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Topics small business, small business owner, fayetteville small business owners, social media, online advertising, social media advertising, radio advertising, small business marketing, borrell associates, e-commerce, small business advertising, ott, ctv, email marketing, email advertising, online shopping

Fayetteville Small Business Advice: Marketing During The Corona Crisis

Apr 8, 2020 6:57:15 AM / by Larry Julius

In 'normal' times, Fayetteville consumers would be expected to rack up $54 billion in annual retail sales. Of course, since the onset of the Coronavirus crisis, nothing has been normal.

But as Gordon Borrell, CEO of Borrell Associates, explained to members of the Fayetteville area small business community via teleconference, consumers are still spending. This, it turns out, is normal.

Mr. Borrell shared research from Ibis that demonstrates during every type of crisis, including depressions, recessions, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and, now, pandemics, consumers still spend.

The business literature contains an abundance of examples of how continuing to market and advertise during an economic crisis can help a company survive and emerge from the episode even stronger than before.

Fayetteville small business owners who do continue to advertise and market, however, should consider modifying their pre-crisis strategy.

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Topics small business, small business owner, best way to advertise, radio advertising, coronavirus, corona, covid 19, crisis marketing, small business marketing, borrell associates

Crisis Marketing: What Fayetteville Small Business Owners Should Know

Mar 31, 2020 2:29:49 PM / by Larry Julius

Last week, Gordon Borrell, CEO of Borrell Associates, shared insights with Fayetteville small business owners on the value of marketing to consumers during a crisis. A video replay of the teleconference is available by clicking here.

Mr. Borrell is the CEO of Borrell Associates. His company is one of the most trusted sources of trends and forecasts for local media today.

According to Mr. Borrell, despite social distancing and economic jitters induced by the Coronavirus chaos, consumers are still spending money.

He points to research from Ibis that consumer consumption continues in almost every crisis, including depressions, recessions, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and, now, pandemic.

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Topics retail, small business, small business owner, best way to advertise, radio advertising, coronavirus, corona, covid 19, crisis marketing, small business marketing, borrell associates

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