
Advertising In Fayetteville: Why Radio Is Still The Best Option

Jun 25, 2023 1:18:33 PM / by Larry Julius

Advertising In Boston: AdviceLocal businesses have been marketing their goods and services on Fayetteville, North Carolina radio since 1939. That's when WFNC, was granted a license from the Federal Radio Commission.

The owner of WFNC was Wall Christian Ewing who, at the time, also owned a wholesale fertilizer business in the city. He had also been the Chairman of the Cumberland County Democratic Party and had spent time serving in the North Carolina legislature. 

Who could have guessed that 84 years later, advertising on Fayetteville radio would still be the best advertising option for all types of retailers and business owners.

Every week, according to Nielsen, Fayetteville radio reaches 282,794 adult consumers. This reach is significantly higher than all other advertising options including local TV, cable, social media, streaming video, online audio, and newspapers.

Advertising In Fayetteville 2022-2023

Reach, according to Nielsen, is the audience metric most responsible for driving the success of an advertising campaign. Only the message itself carries more sway.

Advertise In Fayetteville Successful Campaign

New call-to-actionAccording to additional data released this month by Nielsen, not only does AM/FM radio reach more adults each week, but the medium also reaches more adults every single month. This is true among almost every imaginable demographic segment.

Advertise In Fayetteville Reach By Device 2023-Age Group

Among all ad-supported audio options, according to Nielsen's new research, AM/FM radio commands the greatest time spent listening every day. In other words, adult consumers spend more time listening to local radio than with choices such as YouTube, Pandora, Spotify, Podcasts, and Sirius/XM.

Advertising In Fayetteville Audio Ad Supported Media

Local business owners may wonder why Fayetteville radio, an early 20th-century technology remains the dominant advertising medium among adult consumers.

According to the 2023 Media Techsurvey from Jacobs Media, these are the three main reasons listeners choose to spend the majority of their audio time with AM/Radio:

  • Easiest To Listen To In Car (67%)
  • It's Free (64%)
  • DJs/Hosts/Shows (60%)

Radio's reach dominance over nearly ten decades can also be attributed to the medium's strategic decision to make its content available both over-the-air and online.  According to Nislen's latest measurements, 20% of all time listening to AM/FM radio among adults 25-54 happens via stations' online streams.  This is 42% more time than in 2021.

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Topics: reach, Streaming Audio, small business, Radio Listener Profile, small business owner, fayetteville small business owners, best way to advertise, media options, reach & frequency, small business marketing, advertising reach, small business advertising, radio listening, share of ear, streaming media, advertising options

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