

Fayetteville Radio: The Best Way To Recruit Construction Workers

Feb 15, 2023 10:08:41 AM / by Larry Julius

Fayetteville, North Carolina, area construction companies will need to recruit 717 more workers in 2023 in addition to the normal pace of hiring. This forecast is a per capita estimate based on research from Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC).  

The frenetic pace of recruiting construction workers in Fayetteville is expected to extend into 2024, with an incremental 426 workers needed next year, as well, in addition to the normal pace of hiring.

Overall, the demand for construction workers in America has been increasing at an epic rate.

According to ABC, the construction industry averaged more than 390,000 job openings per month in 2022, the highest level on record, and the industry unemployment rate of 4.6% in 2022 was the second lowest on record, higher than only the 4.5% unemployment rate observed in 2019. In addition, national payroll construction employment was 231,000 higher in December 2022 than in December 2021.

Right now, filling open jobs at any Fayetteville company is a struggle.

A recent survey by the National Federation of Independent Business Owners found that after inflation, the most critical problem facing these businesses is the inability to recruit and retain quality employees.

Right now, says the Federal Reserve,  unfilled jobs remain near an all-time with 1.7 openings per unemployed person.  As a result, only one person is being hired per every four job openings.  To put this dismal hire-to-opening ratio in perspective, ten years ago, there was one hire per every job opening.

Compounding the recruitment woes of Fayetteville's small business owners is the very stubborn quit rate.  According to the Federal Reserve, for every ten hires made, seven current employees quit. 

So, how can local builders and contractors fill the open jobs at their companies? Most metrics indicate that advertising on Fayetteville Radio may be the best way.

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Topics recruitment advertising, help wanted, radio advertising, employment advertising, blue collar, online job boards, job boards, active job seekers, passive job seekers, indeed, construction, ziprecruiter, radio recruitment advertising, hire qualified candidates

Best Way To Fill Construction Job Openings In Fayetteville

Mar 2, 2022 4:11:37 PM / by Larry Julius

Construction companies in the Fayetteville, North Carolina area will need to recruit 895 blue-collar workers on top of the normal pace of hiring in 2022 to meet the demands of the current building market. These statistics are based on forecasts from Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC), an association comprised primarily of U.S. firms that work in industrial and commercial construction sectors.

"The construction industry desperately needs qualified, skilled craft professionals to build America," said Michael Bellaman, ABC president and CEO. "The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed in November and stimulus from COVID-19 relief will pump billions in new spending into our nation's most critical infrastructure, and qualified craft professionals are essential to efficiently modernize roads, bridges, energy production, and other projects across the country. More regulations and less worker freedom make it harder to fill these jobs."

The construction industry's appetite for new hires in the Fayetteville area will continue into 2023, according to ABC. It is expected that during that year,  an additional 813 blue-collar workers in addition to the normal pace of hiring.

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Topics recruitment advertising, help wanted, best way to advertise, radio advertising, employment advertising, job boards, active job seekers, monster.com, passive job seekers, indeed, construction, ziprecruiter, radio recruitment advertising, hire qualified candidates

Why Fayetteville Kitchen & Bath Remodelers Need To Advertise Now

May 20, 2021 10:57:24 AM / by Larry Julius

In 2021, according to Nielsen, 19,543 Fayetteville, North Carolina area homeowners are expected to spend $210 million on kitchen and bathroom remodeling. This would be an increase of 16.8% increase over last year. Sales estimates are based on data from The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA).

Because of the ongoing pandemic, 202,000 homeowners from Lumberton to Spring Lake are in the process of reassessing their living spaces.

According to the NKBA, homeowners cite the kitchen and bath areas as two times more important than other spaces within the home, and the kitchen particularly gained status throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with 70% of homeowners considering it extremely important compared to 64% before the crisis.

“After such a strong year for home remodeling in 2020, some wondered if we were approaching a home improvement spending ‘cliff.’ We’re pleased to say that’s not what the kitchen and bath market is expecting in 2021,” said Bill Darcy, NKBA CEO.

“Last year, homeowners started the work of improving their living spaces with DIY projects. And this year, with early distribution of the vaccine and other measures to reduce the public health impact of the virus, we expect to see continued renovations and more projects requiring our members.”

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