
Advertising In Fayetteville: Where Have The TV Viewers Gone?

Jun 14, 2022 10:58:28 AM / by Larry Julius

During the past seven days. according to Nielsen, only 65.7% of local consumers tuned in to Fayetteville, North Carolina area television stations like WRAL, WECT, WTVD, and, WUNC.  TV's diminishing reach among adults 18 and older has been eclipsed by the audience size for social media, cable, and Fayetteville radio. Furthermore, streaming video services such as Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and Disney+ are quickly reaching parity with over-the-air options.

The erosion of local TV station audiences is stunning when comparing prime-time ratings from the past.  In 1980, the highest-ranked TV show was Cheers with a 21.3 rating. The 30th-ranked show was The Wonder Years with a 14.2 rating.

Twenty years later, Survivor was the number one show with a 17.4 rating and Family Law was the 30th ranked show with an 8.8 rating.

Finally, in 2019, Sunday Night Football was the number one ranked show with a 10.9 rating. Survivor tied with Dancing With The Stars in 30th place with a 5.5 rating.

It is stunning to think that the number one TV show in 2019 had a 24% lower rating than the 30th-ranked show in 1980.

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Television Advertising In Fayetteville: What Are Consumers Watching?

May 11, 2022 4:15:34 PM / by Larry Julius

Every week, 333,567 Fayetteville, North Carolina consumers watch something on TV.

Not too many years ago, when a Fayetteville consumer sat down to watch TV, the program options were limited to what was on Raleigh stations WRAL, WECT, WTVD, WUNC, or, maybe, what was on a handful of cable channels.  That was then. This is now.

Today, according to Nielsen, each time a TV is turned on in a Fayetteville living room, the viewer has more than 817,000 options not only from broadcast stations and cable systems, but also from streaming video platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Peacock, YouTube, Amazon, Tubi, Crackle, and FreeVee.

Of course, Fayetteville consumers don't even need to sit down in front of their big-screen LCD, anymore. Most of the 817,000 available programs can also be viewed on their computers, tablets, gaming devices, and smartphones. But as far as viewers are concerned, though, it's all just television.

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Topics television, TV, fayetteville television, fayetteville TV, television advertising, pay-TV, cable television, dishTV, direcTV, AT&T TV, cable-tv, satellite television, ctv, streaming video, svod, avod, streaming media, streaming TV, local television

Advertise In Fayetteville: Who's Watching The Local TV Stations?

Dec 22, 2021 12:13:51 PM / by Larry Julius

It wasn't too long ago when advertising on Fayetteville, NC area television stations was considered the gold standard for marketing by local business owners. But over the past few years, the number of viewers reached by Raleigh stations WRAL, WECT, WTVD, and, WUNC has plummeted. In all, only 66% of adult consumers now tune-in to at least one of these channels during the week, according to Nielsen.

The consumption of video content isn't diminishing among North Carolina consumers. What has changed, though, is how they are watching it.

In November, according to Nielsen, the share of time watching broadcast television has fallen behind other video options including cable programing and internet-delivered choices such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and hundreds of other streaming networks.

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Topics television, TV, Satellite Radio, fayetteville television, fayetteville TV, television advertising, pay-TV, cable television, dishTV, direcTV, AT&T TV, cable-tv, satellite television, ott, ctv, streaming video, svod, avod, streaming media, streaming TV, local television

Is Your Fayetteville Small Business Ready For Back-To-School?

Jul 17, 2019 11:49:23 AM / by Larry Julius

The National Retail Federation has predicted that this year's back-to-school shopping season will set a new record. Households with school-age children are expected to spend, on average $696.70 preparing their kids for the first day of classes. This tops the previous record set in 2012.

For Fayetteville small business owners, this means there is $84,583,536 of back-to-school bucks in play between now and the first bell of the school year.

According to the NRF, here's how the $696.70 per household will be spent.

  • Clothing & Accessories: $239.82
  • Computers & Electronics: $203.44
  • Shoes: $135.96
  • School Supplies: $117.49

To grab the largest share of back-to-school spending will require small business owners to advertise.  By any metric, advertising on Fayetteville radio stations will be the most effective.  Here's why.

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Topics retail, small business, small business owner, advertise in fayetteville, fayetteville radio stations, fayetteville consumers, fayetteville TV, fayetteville small business owners, teenagers, teens, best way to advertise, effective radio commercial, radio commercials, effective radio advertising, internet advertising, digital advertising, back to school

Small Business Owners Recruit Blue Collar Workers on Fayetteville Radio Stations

Jul 2, 2019 3:37:00 PM / by Larry Julius

Forty percent of contractors reported that they turned down jobs this year because they don't employ enough skilled blue-collar workers. In North Carolina, there are twice as many job openings for truck drivers as there are qualified candidates.

Overall, half of all local employers say they are having difficulty hiring enough blue-collar employees to fulfill the increasing demand from customers.

According to the North Carolina Works Commission, a significant reason why the recruitment efforts of many companies are failing is that they still depend on strategies from a time when qualified candidates were plentiful.

These failing strategies include posting on job boards like Monster and Indeed; publishing employment ads in local newspapers; and pleading on social media pages. Some small business owners are still depending on help-wanted signs.

What many business owners have discovered is that the best way to recruit blue-collar workers is by advertising on Fayetteville radio stations.

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Topics recruitment advertising, small business, help wanted, small business owner, advertise in fayetteville, fayetteville radio stations, fayetteville television, fayetteville TV, fayetteville small business owners, best way to advertise, business owners, radio commercials, advertising in fayetteville, effective radio advertising

What Is The Best Way To Advertise To Mothers In Fayetteville?

Jun 28, 2019 3:15:00 PM / by Larry Julius

Advertising on Fayetteville radio stations is the best way for North Carolina small business owners to reach the lucrative, local mother market.  Here's why.

Fayetteville consumers will spend $7.1 billion over the next 12 months. Forbes magazine reports that it is moms who control 85% of all household purchases. In Cumberland and Robeson Counties there are more than 87,000 women with children under the age of 17 at home.

Fayetteville small business owners need to pay special attention to these mothers and their wallets.

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Topics reach, small business, Research, small business owner, advertise in fayetteville, fayetteville radio stations, fayetteville consumers, fayetteville television, fayetteville TV, fayetteville small business owners, best way to advertise, business owners, radio commercials, Working Mothers, advertising in fayetteville, effective radio advertising

Advertising On Fayetteville Radio Is More Effective Than TV

Jun 17, 2019 7:28:00 AM / by Larry Julius

There are two reasons why advertising on Fayetteville radio station is more effective than advertising on TV.

The first reason is reach.  In a study conducted by Nielsen, the number of consumers who are exposed to a commercial contributes profoundly to the number of sales it will create.  This is discussed in depth in the free eBook, "Seven Steps For Advertising Successfully In Fayetteville."

In Fayetteville, among all media, radio offers local advertisers the biggest reach.

The second reason why radio advertising is so powerful has been revealed in a new study Mindshare, an advertising agency that buys media for some of the most successful companies in the world including General Mills, Nestlé, Domino's, IBM, Rolex, and John Deere.

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Topics reach, radio advertising works, storytelling, television, TV, facts, Total Audience, radio effectiveness, sales lift, small business owner, advertise in fayetteville, fayetteville radio stations, fayetteville consumers, fayetteville television, fayetteville TV, fayetteville small business owners, best way to advertise

Who Still Watches TV In Fayetteville? Small Business Owners Ask.

May 17, 2019 7:40:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Everybody in Fayetteville used to watch TV, commercials and all. But, as media options proliferate, viewers are fleeing. This is not good news at all for television advertisers.

Last week for instance, according to Nielsen, only 74% of Fayetteville consumers watched broadcast television. To put this in perspective, 93% tuned-in to their favorite radio local radio stations.

Compared to two years ago, according to Nielsen, the C3 rating for CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox have plummeted by 27%, especially among 18-49 viewers.

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Topics new customers, commercial, radio advertising works, television, facts, Radio Listener Profile, radio effectiveness, small business owner, advertise in fayetteville, fayetteville radio stations, fayetteville consumers, fayetteville television, fayetteville TV

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